eCycling | Common Wastes & Materials | US EPA
- Interagency Task Force on Electronics Stewardship
- Where Can I Donate or Recycle My Old Computer and Other Electronics?
- Recycle Your Cell Phone. It’s an Easy Call.
- eCycling Certification Programs
- TV Recycling Challenge Results
The use of electronic products has grown substantially over the past two decades, changing the way and the speed in which we communicate and how we get information and entertainment. According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), Americans now own approximately 24 electronic products per household.1
Donating used electronics for reuse extends the lives of valuable products. Recycling electronics prevents valuable materials from going into the waste stream. Consumers now have many options to recycle or donate for reuse their used electronics. Many computer, TV, and cell phone manufacturers, as well as electronics retailers offer some kind of take back program or sponsor recycling events. About half of the states currently have laws
on disposal and recycling of electronics and several other states are considering passing similar laws.
Unfortunately not every electronic recycler follows environmentally sound recycling practices; however, responsible electronics recyclers and refurbishers can now become certified by demonstrating to an accredited, independent third party that they meet available standards on responsible recycling practices. EPA encourages all electronics recyclers to become certified and all customers to choose certified recyclers. Visit the eCycling Certification page for more information.
Reference to specific websites or organizations above is for informational purposes only and is not a reflection of EPA endorsement.
This site offers:
- Basic Information about reducing and recycling electronics
- Where You Live provides information about regional and State eCycling programs
- Where Can I Donate or Recycle My Old Computer and Other Electronics? lists organizations and retailers with donation and recycling programs
- Statistics on the Management of Used and End-of-Life Electronics
- Regulations/Standards for handling electronic equipment
- Frequent Questions and answers about electronic waste
- Resources publications and links that offer additional information on the management of electronics
1 Consumer Electronics Association. Market Research Report: Trends in CE Reuse, Recycle and Removal. April 2008.
Reference to specific websites above is for informational purposes only and is not a reflection of EPA endorsement.
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