Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big Cartoon Blog- Cartoons News and Animated Film Information


Big Cartoon Blog- Cartoons News and Animated Film Information

The Big Car­toon Data­Base Blog Site.
This project started because we were bored. And, we wanted an easy way to look up infor­ma­tion about car­toons, a ded­i­cated car­toon fil­mog­ra­phy and in depth episode guide. While IMdb is very good for movies, and has some car­toon infor­ma­tion, it did not seem to us to be enough. So, we decided to make some­thing that did suit our needs, The Big Car­toon Data­Base (and lots of long nights) ensued.
First and fore­most, this is a labor of love. No one gets paid a dime for doing this fil­mog­ra­phy— in fact, we loose money monthly just run­ning the darn thing. But it is some­thing we enjoy, and so we will keep doing it, updat­ing and adding every chance we get. While the project started as a cou­ple of guys in Salt Lake City with too much time on their hands, we are very indebted to those oth­ers– who, like us, love car­toons– and have given freely of their time, hard work and research to help make The Big Car­toon Data­Base what it is today.

Cartoon Images

BCDB started as an Access data­base on my work com­puter. I had a list of all the Dis­ney fea­ture car­toons (peo­ple often ask me what the “offi­cial” list is, so I kept my own copy). Then I found a fil­mog­ra­phy of about 5000 car­toons that Nobuo Mochizuki main­tains at Shizuoka Uni­ver­sity Library in Japan. Nobuo was very kind and sent us his source, and we had enough info to get started. Since then, infor­ma­tion, car­toon his­tory and episode guides has come from all over the world– Aus­tralia, United King­dom, France, Japan— even Rus­sia. Sup­port has come from fans and pro­fes­sion­als alike, and we could not be more grate­fully for all the sup­port.
We have done our best to val­i­date the infor­ma­tion in the fil­mog­ra­phy. But some­times that can be hard to do, espe­cially for older car­toons. Please con­sider any errors in the data­base ours. How­ever, if you notice errors, it is pos­si­ble to send an error report for an indi­vid­ual car­toon right from its page. We want to do our best to make this the most infor­ma­tive, cor­rect resource possible!
But infor­ma­tion by itself is not use­ful if you can­not present it in an easy to use (and easy to main­tain) fash­ion. We needed scal­a­bil­ity, speed, secu­rity, speed, con­fig­ura­bil­ity and speed. We found all this (and more!) at Gos­samer Threads with Links SQL. While built as a “Links” data­base, àla Yahoo, it pro­vided the basis for what we turned into BCDB. And the sup­port has been tremen­dous– Alex is always avail­able to help in emer­gen­cies. And the online sup­port groups– most notably Pug­dog and Paul– have really helped us craft the episode guide and filmography.

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