Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Airline Seating Charts - Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

Airline Seating Charts - Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

Wonder if I should include this on the aero engineering does give details on a/c interiors -- HSM

At SeatGuru, we love travel, but we can't fly on every single plane. So we turn to you, our users, for the real truth on seat width, pitch, and comfort. Through the "Submit Comments" button on each aircraft page, thousands of reviews have been added to the SeatGuru database by flyers who know a great seat when they sit in one. The SeatGuru staff utilizes these comments to maintain the accuracy of our airplane seat information and updates the site with both user-submitted reviews and independent research.

Thank you—we smile every time we sit in a "green" seat.

Airline Seating Charts - Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

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