Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Archival Sound Recordings

Archival Sound Recordings

Archival Sound Recordings

Archival Sound Recordings is the result of a development project to increase access to the British Library Sound Archive's extensive collections. The British Library holds one of the world’s foremost sound archives with a collection of over 3.5 million audio recordings. These come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound from music, drama and literature, to oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds. You can search and browse information about all the sounds held in the British Library at our online catalogue.

This website delivers a selection of that rich audio heritage in the form of tens of thousands of digitised recordings and their associated documentation. If you were to listen to all the recordings on this site for eight hours each day, every day, it would take you around four years to hear them all!

The digitisation project which made this website possible ran from 2004 to 2009 and was funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) under its Digitisation Programme.

Archival Sound Recordings

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