Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome to AllAboutJazz.com!

 Welcome to AllAboutJazz.com!

Welcome to AllAboutJazz.com!

Welcome to All About Jazz, a site produced by jazz fans for jazz fans. Our mission is to provide information and opinion about jazz from the past, present, and future. Through our "Global Jazz" section, reviews of jazz from around the world, and interviews with international musicians, we approach the music from four continents, including ten cities in the US alone. That content is carefully organized under the menu bar above.

While compiling and organizing all this information and opinion, we strive to serve both the jazz newbie as well as the jazz afficionado. Listeners who are new to jazz may profit from visiting our Building a Jazz Library section; those with more of an established interest will find our extensive archives of reviews and interviews helpful. And everyone should get a chuckle out of our humor section.

The internet is a great place to find information, and we maintain stacks and stacks of it: about jazz festivals, radio stations, upcoming releases, and much more (just look under the "guides" section of the menu bar).

Throughout the site, we have emphasized an interactive approach. The jazz timeline and "This Day in Jazz History," for example, allow readers to check out the major developments in a year, month & day of their choosing. We organize our reviews so that you can home in on a particular style that you prefer (or wish to investigate). We provide multiple forums for you to express and exchange opinions on all sorts of issues relating to the music and the musicians.

Finally, we make an ongoing effort to stay current. We constantly update our news section, and we offer cutting-edge interviews among over 40 featured columns. Each month we review 150-200 new and reissued CD's, giving you advance notice so you'll know where to look when you visit the record shop. For the latest happenings at the site, visit our monthly greeting page.

So please take advantage of all we have to offer. Every single person on the All About Jazz staff contributes because they love the music. We have a strong feeling that our enthusiasm may be contagious. Who knows... maybe you'll have something unique to offer as well!

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Welcome to AllAboutJazz.com!

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