Monday, August 25, 2008

vfowler blog » soul searching on the web - in the clouds « Blog Archive

More citation stuff to look at.....HSM

vfowler blog » soul searching on the web - in the clouds « Blog Archive 

For citations, I’ve been using a few great tools. First, I rely on the wonderful and easy to use CiteMachine to generate standard bibliographic and in-text citations. Second, to automate the citation process as much as possible, I’ve recently been trying out Zotero which works alone on your computer.

In addition, for online reference management, I’m experimenting with CiteULike which is designed for scholarly papers, thanks Janette Treanor for pointing out this one; and thanks to Fiona Stace’s thread post, Connotea. Given the nature of the medium and the subject content, why anyone would record this information on their own computer beats me. Are we rocketeering towards cloud computing? (What is cloud computing? - on YouTube)

Finally, now it should be easy enough for me to access, retrieve, understand, contextualise and recall why I saved these resources any time in the foreseeable future. In my next post, annotations of the best 3 results sourced from my search query “winter dreaming” film screening. For evaluating sources of information, check out a later post.


The Ohio State University Libraries, (2007, September 19). Web Search Tools.
Retrieved August 22, 2008, from net.TUTOR website:

Cohen, L (2008, January). Boolean Searching on the Internet.
Retrieved August 22, 2008, from Internet Tutorials website:

Google, (n.d.). Google Scholar Help.
Retrieved August 22, 2008, from Google Scholar website:

vfowler blog » soul searching on the web - in the clouds « Blog Archive

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