Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rosalind Wiseman: What Makes a Good Bullying PSA?

I blogged this because – I think there are words of advice for anyone who is trying to get a message to kids/or adults for that matter that not in their peer group…No matter what the issue…

A bad bullying prevention program or PSA:

1. Relies on gimmicks, like anti-bullying T-shirts, useless slogans like, "Bullying isn't cool. Don't do it," bracelets, pledges, and celebrity appearances as the principle educational strategy.
2. Depicts stereotyped situations.
3. Shows all white people at the center of the plot, or has token racial diversity. For example, the Queen Bee white girl with her backup Black and Asian friends.
4. Presents suicide as a natural consequence of being bullied and as a revenge fantasy against the bullies. Kids don't have to have suicide thrown in their face to take bullying seriously. Emphasizing suicide will make children think that any feelings less than that aren't worth reporting.
5. Portrays no realistic and comforting adult presence.
6. Provides no skills or strategies to stop bullying beyond, "Tell an adult" and doesn't acknowledge that telling an adult often doesn't help at all.
7. Assumes that bullying is always one-way.
8. Gives the primary motivations to not bully as that you will be punished or feel guilty.
9. Emphasizes blame.
10. Ignores the fact that most bullies think they're defending themselves or are at least justified; e.g. the victim deserves it. This is one of the primary reasons why a bully won't see themselves in these types of campaigns.


A Good Bullying Prevention PSA and Campaign:

1. Depicts realistic scenarios, knowing that if presented realistically the topic will hold the viewer's attention. (T-shirts, bracelets and celebrities are unnecessary.)
2. Incorporates the power, negative or positive, of the by-stander.
3. Clarifies, age appropriately, the difference between snitching and reporting.
4. Reflects young people's understanding and experience of race dynamics. i.e. while racism can be a weapon to bully, children have a nuanced perspective on race.
5. Understands how homophobia is tied to bullying.
6. Has an adult (maybe a parent) comforting a child.
7. Doesn't patronize the viewer.
8. Provides skills and inspiration in equal proportion to depicting the problem.
9. Is willing to acknowledge that adults can be part of the problem as well as help solve or improve the situation.
10. Inspires people to take the risk to publicly support victims and responsibly confront bullies.




Rosalind Wiseman: What Makes a Good Bullying PSA?



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Friday, April 22, 2011

NASA - NASA Featured Images and Galleries

NASA - NASA Featured Images and Galleries

Image of the Day

The Water Planet


Viewed from space, the most striking feature of our planet is the water. In both liquid and frozen form, it covers 75% of the Earth’s surface. It fills the sky with clouds. Water is practically ...

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Alaska’s Susitna Glacier

Alaska’s Susitna Glacier

Like rivers of liquid water, glaciers flow downhill, with tributaries joining to form larger rivers. But where water rushes, ice crawls. As a result, glaciers gather dust and dirt, and bear ...

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Nile River Delta at Night

Nile River Delta at Night

One of the fascinating aspects of viewing Earth at night is how well the lights show the distribution of people. In this view of Egypt, the population is shown to be almost completely concentrated ...

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View Image Gallery

Browse and Search NASA Image Galleries

  • NASA Image Exchange
    NASA Image Exchange  →

    Not a collection in itself, the NASA Image Exchange is a search engine that pulls images from across NASA's Web space.

  • F-15 ACTIVE in flight at Dryden
    Dryden Image Gallery

    A collection of images and multimedia on NASA aircraft, aeronautics facilities and research.

  • Images and video from the Kennedy Space Center
    Kennedy Multimedia Gallery  →

    Images and video from the Kennedy Space Center, including shuttle launches and landing, crew training and satellite launches.

NASA - NASA Featured Images and Galleries

Earth Image of the Day

Mission Images

City & County Information, Town & Community Information - ePodunk


City & County Information, Town & Community Information - ePodunk

ePodunk provides in-depth information about more than 46,000 communities around the country, from Manhattan to Los Angeles, Pottstown to Podunk. Our listings also include geocoded information about thousands of parks, museums, historic sites, colleges, schools and other places across America.

ePodunk was launched in 1999 in Ithaca, NY, just east of the real Podunk, a community so small it doesn't appear on the U.S. Census Bureau's list of places. ePodunk was founded by journalists with years of experience in newspapers, online publishing and demographics.

Los Angeles-based Internet Brands acquired ePodunk in July of 2007. Internet Brands' sites deliver superior content, consumer insight and have received dozens of "best-in-class" awards.

Internet Brands’ home category websites span the lifecycle of home-related activities including housing selection, financing, purchasing, leasing and home improvement. With the acquisition of ePodunk, Internet Brands also provides valuable, traditionally hard-to-find information about individual neighborhoods to help people choose the best community for a vacation or a relocation.

A Vision of Britain through Time | Your national on-line library for local history | Maps, Statistics, Travel Writing and more


A Vision of Britain through Time | Your national on-line library for local history | Maps, Statistics, Travel Writing and more


A Vision of Britain through Time brings together historical surveys of Britain to create a record of how the country and its localities have changed.

It was created by Humphrey Southall and the Great Britain Historical GIS Project ("GIS" stands for "Geographical Information System"). We are based in the Department of Geography of the University of Portsmouth. More information about the project, and about historical applications of GIS technology, is available from our other web site at:

More detailed information is available here about:

  • News: This is where we tell you about new facilities and content in the Vision of Britain web site.
  • Accessibility: Making the Vision of Britain web site accessible to the widest possible audience.
  • FAQ: Content: Frequently Asked Questions about the information in the Vision of Britain web site.
  • Sources: The raw materials on which the Vision of Britain web site is based: books, maps, statistical reports and so on.

About this collection:Environmental Policy Collection UNT Digital Library

The Environmental Policy Collection contains a variety of open access resources that provide a balanced view on environmental issues and their potential consequences. The current focus of the collection is climate change, and the documents come from such agencies and individuals as:

  • United States Climate Change Science Program
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
  • Climate Change and Agriculture and Food Security
  • Earth System Science Partnership
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • United Nations Environment Programme
  • World Meteorological Organization
  • University of North Texas (UNT) graduate students
About This Project

"The Environmental Policy Collection is one of 30-plus digital collections within the University of North Texas Digital Library. Its current focus is climate change. Reports and books from local, state, regional, national, and international governmental agencies and scientific organizations make up a majority of the collection, although 60 environmentally focused UNT dissertations and theses are also included. Resources are from authoritative sources including the US Climate Change Science Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, UN Environment Programme, Great Britain's Office of Climate Change, the World Meteorological Organization, and Japan's Ministry of the Environment. In addition to policy, the collection hosts documents in supporting disciplines such as environmental science, ecology, and climatology. An overwhelming majority of the content is in English and was published between 2000 and 2009. Although the documents are currently available from producers' Web sites, the UNT collection is meant to serve as a permanent archive.

The Digital Library platform has a clean layout, intuitive navigation, and basic and advanced searching functions. Faceted searching allows for limiting results, and several options exist for sorting and viewing them. Two UNT librarians in the library's Information Technology Services Department manage the collection; the role of reference librarians in the selection process is unclear. The collection's scope note states that it contains "resources that provide a balanced view on environmental issues and their potential consequences." This reviewer is uncertain about the extent to which the goal of presenting a "balanced view" guides selection decisions. While sizable, this collection is not exhaustive. The site could be viewed as an extensive subject guide, but due to the technical nature of the content, it will be of use mainly to upper-class undergraduates, science majors, and graduate students." from Choice, September 2010.

About this collection:Environmental Policy Collection UNT Digital Library

PopTech : Home


PopTech : Home

What is PopTech?
PopTech is a unique innovation network – a global community of cutting-edge leaders, thinkers, and doers from many different disciplines, who come together to explore the social impact of new technologies, the forces of change shaping our future, and new approaches to solving the world’s most significant challenges. We are known for our thriving community of thought-leaders, breakthrough innovation programs, visionary annual conferences and deep media and storytelling capabilities.

Why We Exist

PopTech’s mission is to accelerate the positive impact of world changing people, projects and ideas. We do this by creating transformational experiences that showcase the ideas, trends, challenges and opportunities that are shaping the future. PopTech fosters breakthrough, multidisciplinary collaborations that help individuals, companies and organizations work together to change the world. Participating in PopTech offers a firsthand glimpse of the future, and a chance to influence innovation.


Videos in the following areas: 


American Hospital Directory - information about hospitals from public and private data sources including MedPAR, OPPS, hospital cost reports, and other CMS files.

The American Hospital Directory® provides data and statistics about more than 6,000 hospitals nationwide.® hospital information includes both public and private sources such as Medicare claims data, hospital cost reports, and commercial licensors.

AHD® is not affiliated with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and is not a source for AHA Data.  Our data are evidence-based and derived from the most authoritative sources.

Free hospital profiles

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Free state & national stats

View key statistics summarized by hospital, state, and the nation.  Statistics include bed size, discharges, patient days, and gross patient revenue.  Go

American Hospital Directory - information about hospitals from public and private data sources including MedPAR, OPPS, hospital cost reports, and other CMS files.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thomas J. Dodd Research Center | UConn

Spanish Periodicals and Newspapers: Women's Magazine Digital Collection

Portion of color print on Paris Fashions In the early 1970s, the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut acquired an incredible collection of Spanish Periodicals and Newspapers collected by the famous bibliophile, Juan Perez de Guzman y Boza, the Duque de T' Serclaes. Now housed in Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, this rich collection reflects the complex history of Spain through periodicals and newspapers dating from the 18th-20th centuries, with the bulk of the collection dating from the 19th century.

Of significant interest is the wide selection of women's magazines written by men to appeal to an elite female audience. The collection is full of things such as short historical stories, poems, good advice for both men and women about the proper behavior of ladies at any age, beautiful colored and engraved images with the latest news of Paris fashion, music sheets of polkas and other music specifically composed for the magazines, and patterns for needlework, to name only a few. These magazines are an amazing window to understand the social dimensions of women in 19th century Spain.

Because of their significance to international researchers unable to travel to the University, the Dodd Research Center, in collaboration with the UConn Libraries, digitized 20 titles from the collection. Thanks to the support and funding of the UConn Libraries' Digital Project Team (DPT) and its members (Dave Lowe, Michael Bennett) and cataloger Tom Koenig, the Libraries have created in-house this digital collection, to provide electronic access to researchers around the world.
The digital copies are available through the Internet Archive and the UConn Digital Collections site and are available in several different formats and the text is searchable. This webpage grouped all the digitized titles available for easy access.

For more information about this collection, visit our previous Item of the Month feature from August 2009

Thomas J. Dodd Research Center | UConn

Tax Policy Center home

Tax Policy Center home

The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. The Center is made up of nationally recognized experts in tax, budget, and social policy who have served at the highest levels of government.

What We Do

TPC provides timely, accessible analysis and facts about tax policy to policymakers, journalists, citizens, and researchers. Its major products are

small TPC logoModel estimates: The TPC Microsimulation Model produces revenue and distribution estimates for the latest tax proposals and bills. More information about the tax model is available in the overview and FAQ.

small TPC logoLibrary: Research by TPC staff is disseminated in a variety of publications, including two TPC series - Issues and Options briefs and Discussion papers. The TPC also has regular columns in Tax Notes magazine.

small TPC logoTax Facts: The Tax Facts database compiles facts and figures from government agencies and other sources.

small TPC logoThe Tax Policy Briefing Book: A Citizens' Guide for the 2008 Election and Beyond A handy primer on how the tax system works."— Tom Herman, WSJ. A compendium of information on a host of questions likely to be addressed during the 2008 presidential election debate and beyond. This briefing book is intended as a resource for the public, the press, and even the presidential campaigns-in short, for anyone who wants to be well informed about current tax and budget matters.

small TPC logoTaxVox The Tax Policy Center's tax and budget policy blog. Join the discussion on tax legislation, administration, and more.

Digital Harlem :: Everyday Life 1915-1930


Digital Harlem :: Everyday Life 1915-1930

The Digital Harlem website presents information, drawn from legal records, newspapers and other archival and published sources, about everyday life in New York City's Harlem neighborhood in the years 1915-1930.

The panel on the left allows you to search for events, people or places, and generate interactive web maps based on the search results. Multiple layers of results can be displayed on the same map, and each can be toggled on and off. A legend identifying the symbols used on the map can be found to the right. Clicking on a symbol on the map will open a window containing further information about that item. A series of ready-made 'feature' maps can be accessed from the panel on the right.

For more information on Harlem, and the Sources used in this site, and About the project of which it is part, How to conduct searches and create maps, and the Feature maps we have created, click on the buttons above the map.

A more detailed, illustrated guide to how to use the site is available on the Digital Harlem blog. Updates, news and feedback, can also be found on the blog

U.S. Commercial Service : Your Global Business Partner

U.S. Commercial Service
Market Research Library

The Market Research Library is an online database of international market research reports and documents.
Current online version:  3.01.2
Last modification:  10/20/2010 03:12:16 PM

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U.S. Commercial Service : Your Global Business Partner

Data | The World Bank


The Data Catalog provides download access to over 2,000 indicators from World Bank data sets.


World Development Indicators 2011 database and publication available now

The publication is the 15th edition of WDI and the database now contains updated data through 2009 or 2010 for many indicators.



Data | The World Bank

Country Risk and Economic Research–COFACE

Country Risk and Economic Research

There are three categories of economic studies :

Country risks

Consult the evolutions of Coface country ratings (re-examined each quarter), Country analysis and forecasts prepared by the Economic Research and Country Risk Department of Coface and methodology of Country Rating.
The Coface country rating aims at evaluating the average credit risk of companies in a given country. The rating is based on economic, financial and political data. But it also takes into account Coface experience on the country, under two dimensions: Coface’s payment experience on the companies of the country and also its assessment of the Business climate.

Country Risk

Know more


In this section, you can find the evolutions of the sector ratings (reviewed twice a year), and the studies on sectors prepared by the Economic Research and Country Risk Department of Coface. Methodology of Sector Rating is also available.
The sector rating aims at evaluating the credit risk of corporate of a given sector. It uses Macroeconomic data and forecasts of the given sector, the payment experience registered by Coface on the companies of this sector and an assessment of the financial situation of the companies given by the Coface rating of the companies belonging to the rated sector.


Know more

Business Climate

Consult the evolutions of Coface Business Climate rating and its methodology.
The Business climate rating assessed by Coface aims at measuring the quality of the private governance in a given country and more specifically the financial transparency of companies and the efficiency of the court system for settling debt issues. It is bases on a survey filled by all Coface entities in the world and completed by business environment rating prepared by international organisations.

Business climate

Country Risk and Economic Research

NNDB: Tracking the entire world


NNDB is an intelligence aggregator that tracks the activities of people we have determined to be noteworthy, both living and dead. Superficially, it seems much like a "Who's Who" where a noted person's curriculum vitae is available (the usual information such as date of birth, a biography, and other essential facts.)

But it mostly exists to document the connections between people, many of which are not always obvious. A person's otherwise inexplicable behavior is often understood by examining the crowd that person has been associating with.

Eventually, we will have synopses and analyses of creative works by the people in the database, including their books, films, and recordings.

NNDB: Tracking the entire world

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

American Community Survey


American Community Survey

The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides data every year -- giving communities the current information they need to plan investments and services. Information from the survey generates data that help determine how more than $400 billion in federal and state funds are distributed each year.

To help communities, state governments, and federal programs, we ask about:

  • age
  • sex
  • race
  • family and relationships
  • income and benefits
  • health insurance
  • education
  • veteran status
  • disabilities
  • where you work and how you get there
  • where you live and how much you pay for some essentials

All this detail is combined into statistics that are used to help decide everything from school lunch programs to new hospitals.

Neuroscience Information Framework

Neuroscience Information Framework

The Neuroscience Information Framework is excited to announce the release of NIF 3.1. With improved search and many added products, NIF 3.1 also boasts a new look and feel on the web. To introduce you to the new website, we have created a YouTube video and a Tutorial on the new search interface. You may also wish to view our release notes. As always, we look forward to your comments.

What is NIF?

Brain ImageA dynamic inventory of Web-based neuroscience resources: data, materials, and tools accessible via any computer connected to the Internet. An initiative of the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research, the Neuroscience Information Framework advances neuroscience research by enabling discovery and access to public research data and tools worldwide through an open source, networked environment.

Neuroscience Information Framework

Worlds of Words | International Collection of Children's and Adolescent Literature

Worlds of Words | International Collection of Children's and Adolescent Literature

Welcome to Worlds of Words. You will find many useful resources on this site for building bridges between cultures. These resources include multiple strategies for locating and evaluating culturally authentic international children’s and adolescent literature as well as ways of engaging students with these books in classrooms and libraries. Use the blue navigation bar at the top of the page to browse or search our growing database of books, to read one of our two on-line journals, or to learn more about our mission. We encourage you to take time to explore the many resources on this site and to return often as we expand to include more voices like yours.

WOW is committed to creating an international network of people who share the vision of bringing books and children together, thereby opening windows on the world. We encourage thoughtful dialogue around international literature so that children can reflect on their own cultural experience and connect to the experience of others across the globe.

ICCAL holds an estimated 25,000 volumes of children’s and adolescent literature focusing on world cultures and indigenous peoples. Housed at the University of Arizona, College of Education in several specialized reading rooms, ICCAL has an adjacent classroom for courses and workshops and offices for staff and visiting scholars and is the largest collection of its kind in the U.S.

These resources are used to:

  • promote intercultural understanding and global perspectives.
  • identify excellent culturally authentic literature about children’s lives around the world.
  • provide resources for adults who share a passion for connecting readers with books.
  • Share the stories of children’s dialogue and interactions around international literature.
  • Encourage the integration of international literature into the curriculum.

Worlds of Words | International Collection of Children's and Adolescent Literature

Web of Stories

Lives is the Web of Stories flagship channel. It is where you can hear the stories of people who have influenced the world we live in and people who have led exciting and interesting lives. Listen to the stories of great scientists, doctors, artists, film makers and other notable people and learn something new today. Record your stories for Web of Stories other channels and spend some time listening to wonderful stories.

Web of Stories