"Everyone needs a laugh on Monday!" HSM
Twenty-seven states have banned texting while driving. But 25 offer traffic updates via Twitter
This is my mostly personal/private blog. I use it to keep track of projects, websites, web 2.0 tools and other resources to help me keep up with life/work. I do not generally post personal information, but occasionally record events. More public information can be found on my other blogs dealing with scholarly communication and Science and Technology Resources/Information.
"Everyone needs a laugh on Monday!" HSM
Twenty-seven states have banned texting while driving. But 25 offer traffic updates via Twitter
TinEye is a reverse image search engine. You can submit an image to TinEye to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions. TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. For some real TinEye search examples, check out our Cool Searches page.
I have started a new Blog to keep primarily ISU faculty, staff, and students up-to-date with the latest tools related to bibliographic management applications, primarily EndNote, EndNote Web, and Zotero. Anyone using these tools may benefit from the information shared. I will try to tag those items that exclusivly related to Iowa State University such as upcoming workshops.
The address is http://citehelp.blogspot.com/
Thanks -- Stephen